The Constitution of the Friends of South Park was approved by the AGM in November 2013.
It is available here: Friends-of-South-Park-Constitution.
The aims of Friends of South Park are to represent the local community for the benefit of the park and its users. These include:
a. Influencing South Park’s appearance (e.g. railings, tree maintenance, litter, dog fouling);
b. Having a say in its facilities (play area, toilets, benches, bins, etc.);
c. Being a consultee regarding the future of the depot area at the top of the park;
d. Being a consultee for the events that happen within the park;
e. Improving the park’s biodiversity;
f. Promoting exercise, health and wellbeing activities in the park;
g. Organising community events;
h. Fundraising through membership, events, sponsorship and donations.